Reverse Code Engineering RCE CD +sandman 2000
Turbo Pascal V7
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341 lines
{ }
{ Turbo Pascal Version 7.0 }
{ Graph Interface Unit }
{ }
{ Copyright (C) 1987,92 Borland International }
{ }
unit Graph;
{ GraphResult error return codes: }
grOk = 0;
grNoInitGraph = -1;
grNotDetected = -2;
grFileNotFound = -3;
grInvalidDriver = -4;
grNoLoadMem = -5;
grNoScanMem = -6;
grNoFloodMem = -7;
grFontNotFound = -8;
grNoFontMem = -9;
grInvalidMode = -10;
grError = -11; { generic error }
grIOerror = -12;
grInvalidFont = -13;
grInvalidFontNum = -14;
grInvalidVersion = -18;
{ define graphics drivers }
CurrentDriver = -128; { passed to GetModeRange }
Detect = 0; { requests autodetection }
CGA = 1;
MCGA = 2;
EGA = 3;
EGA64 = 4;
EGAMono = 5;
IBM8514 = 6;
HercMono = 7;
ATT400 = 8;
VGA = 9;
PC3270 = 10;
{ graphics modes for each driver }
CGAC0 = 0; { 320x200 palette 0: LightGreen, LightRed, Yellow; 1 page }
CGAC1 = 1; { 320x200 palette 1: LightCyan, LightMagenta, White; 1 page }
CGAC2 = 2; { 320x200 palette 2: Green, Red, Brown; 1 page }
CGAC3 = 3; { 320x200 palette 3: Cyan, Magenta, LightGray; 1 page }
CGAHi = 4; { 640x200 1 page }
MCGAC0 = 0; { 320x200 palette 0: LightGreen, LightRed, Yellow; 1 page }
MCGAC1 = 1; { 320x200 palette 1: LightCyan, LightMagenta, White; 1 page }
MCGAC2 = 2; { 320x200 palette 2: Green, Red, Brown; 1 page }
MCGAC3 = 3; { 320x200 palette 3: Cyan, Magenta, LightGray; 1 page }
MCGAMed = 4; { 640x200 1 page }
MCGAHi = 5; { 640x480 1 page }
EGALo = 0; { 640x200 16 color 4 page }
EGAHi = 1; { 640x350 16 color 2 page }
EGA64Lo = 0; { 640x200 16 color 1 page }
EGA64Hi = 1; { 640x350 4 color 1 page }
EGAMonoHi = 3; { 640x350 64K on card, 1 page; 256K on card, 2 page }
HercMonoHi = 0; { 720x348 2 page }
ATT400C0 = 0; { 320x200 palette 0: LightGreen, LightRed, Yellow; 1 page }
ATT400C1 = 1; { 320x200 palette 1: LightCyan, LightMagenta, White; 1 page }
ATT400C2 = 2; { 320x200 palette 2: Green, Red, Brown; 1 page }
ATT400C3 = 3; { 320x200 palette 3: Cyan, Magenta, LightGray; 1 page }
ATT400Med = 4; { 640x200 1 page }
ATT400Hi = 5; { 640x400 1 page }
VGALo = 0; { 640x200 16 color 4 page }
VGAMed = 1; { 640x350 16 color 2 page }
VGAHi = 2; { 640x480 16 color 1 page }
PC3270Hi = 0; { 720x350 1 page }
IBM8514LO = 0; { 640x480 256 colors }
IBM8514HI = 1; { 1024x768 256 colors }
{ Colors for SetPalette and SetAllPalette: }
Black = 0;
Blue = 1;
Green = 2;
Cyan = 3;
Red = 4;
Magenta = 5;
Brown = 6;
LightGray = 7;
DarkGray = 8;
LightBlue = 9;
LightGreen = 10;
LightCyan = 11;
LightRed = 12;
LightMagenta = 13;
Yellow = 14;
White = 15;
{ colors for 8514 to set standard EGA colors w/o knowing their values }
EGABlack = 0; { dark colors }
EGABlue = 1;
EGAGreen = 2;
EGACyan = 3;
EGARed = 4;
EGAMagenta = 5;
EGABrown = 20;
EGALightgray = 7;
EGADarkgray = 56; { light colors }
EGALightblue = 57;
EGALightgreen = 58;
EGALightcyan = 59;
EGALightred = 60;
EGALightmagenta = 61;
EGAYellow = 62;
EGAWhite = 63;
{ Line styles and widths for Get/SetLineStyle: }
SolidLn = 0;
DottedLn = 1;
CenterLn = 2;
DashedLn = 3;
UserBitLn = 4; { User-defined line style }
NormWidth = 1;
ThickWidth = 3;
{ Set/GetTextStyle constants: }
DefaultFont = 0; { 8x8 bit mapped font }
TriplexFont = 1; { "Stroked" fonts }
SmallFont = 2;
SansSerifFont = 3;
GothicFont = 4;
HorizDir = 0; { left to right }
VertDir = 1; { bottom to top }
UserCharSize = 0; { user-defined char size }
{ Clipping constants: }
ClipOn = true;
ClipOff = false;
{ Bar3D constants: }
TopOn = true;
TopOff = false;
{ Fill patterns for Get/SetFillStyle: }
EmptyFill = 0; { fills area in background color }
SolidFill = 1; { fills area in solid fill color }
LineFill = 2; { --- fill }
LtSlashFill = 3; { /// fill }
SlashFill = 4; { /// fill with thick lines }
BkSlashFill = 5; { \\\ fill with thick lines }
LtBkSlashFill = 6; { \\\ fill }
HatchFill = 7; { light hatch fill }
XHatchFill = 8; { heavy cross hatch fill }
InterleaveFill = 9; { interleaving line fill }
WideDotFill = 10; { Widely spaced dot fill }
CloseDotFill = 11; { Closely spaced dot fill }
UserFill = 12; { user defined fill }
{ BitBlt operators for PutImage: }
NormalPut = 0; { MOV } { left for 1.0 compatibility }
CopyPut = 0; { MOV }
XORPut = 1; { XOR }
OrPut = 2; { OR }
AndPut = 3; { AND }
NotPut = 4; { NOT }
{ Horizontal and vertical justification for SetTextJustify: }
LeftText = 0;
CenterText = 1;
RightText = 2;
BottomText = 0;
{ CenterText = 1; already defined above }
TopText = 2;
MaxColors = 15;
PaletteType = record
Size : byte;
Colors : array[0..MaxColors] of shortint;
LineSettingsType = record
LineStyle : word;
Pattern : word;
Thickness : word;
TextSettingsType = record
Font : word;
Direction : word;
CharSize : word;
Horiz : word;
Vert : word;
FillSettingsType = record { Pre-defined fill style }
Pattern : word;
Color : word;
FillPatternType = array[1..8] of byte; { User defined fill style }
PointType = record
X, Y : integer;
ViewPortType = record
x1, y1, x2, y2 : integer;
Clip : boolean;
ArcCoordsType = record
X, Y : integer;
Xstart, Ystart : integer;
Xend, Yend : integer;
GraphGetMemPtr : Pointer; { allows user to steal heap allocation }
GraphFreeMemPtr : Pointer; { allows user to steal heap de-allocation }
{ *** high-level error handling *** }
function GraphErrorMsg(ErrorCode : integer) : String;
function GraphResult : integer;
{ *** detection, initialization and crt mode routines *** }
procedure DetectGraph(var GraphDriver, GraphMode : integer);
function GetDriverName : string;
procedure InitGraph(var GraphDriver : integer;
var GraphMode : integer;
PathToDriver : String);
function RegisterBGIfont(Font : pointer) : integer;
function RegisterBGIdriver(Driver : pointer) : integer;
function InstallUserDriver(DriverFileName : string;
AutoDetectPtr : pointer) : integer;
function InstallUserFont(FontFileName : string) : integer;
procedure SetGraphBufSize(BufSize : word);
function GetMaxMode : integer;
procedure GetModeRange(GraphDriver : integer; var LoMode, HiMode : integer);
function GetModeName(GraphMode : integer) : string;
procedure SetGraphMode(Mode : integer);
function GetGraphMode : integer;
procedure GraphDefaults;
procedure RestoreCrtMode;
procedure CloseGraph;
function GetX : integer;
function GetY : integer;
function GetMaxX : integer;
function GetMaxY : integer;
{ *** Screen, viewport, page routines *** }
procedure ClearDevice;
procedure SetViewPort(x1, y1, x2, y2 : integer; Clip : boolean);
procedure GetViewSettings(var ViewPort : ViewPortType);
procedure ClearViewPort;
procedure SetVisualPage(Page : word);
procedure SetActivePage(Page : word);
{ *** point-oriented routines *** }
procedure PutPixel(X, Y : integer; Pixel : word);
function GetPixel(X, Y : integer) : word;
{ *** line-oriented routines *** }
procedure SetWriteMode(WriteMode : integer);
procedure LineTo(X, Y : integer);
procedure LineRel(Dx, Dy : integer);
procedure MoveTo(X, Y : integer);
procedure MoveRel(Dx, Dy : integer);
procedure Line(x1, y1, x2, y2 : integer);
procedure GetLineSettings(var LineInfo : LineSettingsType);
procedure SetLineStyle(LineStyle : word;
Pattern : word;
Thickness : word);
{ *** polygon, fills and figures *** }
procedure Rectangle(x1, y1, x2, y2 : integer);
procedure Bar(x1, y1, x2, y2 : integer);
procedure Bar3D(x1, y1, x2, y2 : integer; Depth : word; Top : boolean);
procedure DrawPoly(NumPoints : word; var PolyPoints);
procedure FillPoly(NumPoints : word; var PolyPoints);
procedure GetFillSettings(var FillInfo : FillSettingsType);
procedure GetFillPattern(var FillPattern : FillPatternType);
procedure SetFillStyle(Pattern : word; Color : word);
procedure SetFillPattern(Pattern : FillPatternType; Color : word);
procedure FloodFill(X, Y : integer; Border : word);
{ *** arc, circle, and other curves *** }
procedure Arc(X, Y : integer; StAngle, EndAngle, Radius : word);
procedure GetArcCoords(var ArcCoords : ArcCoordsType);
procedure Circle(X, Y : integer; Radius : word);
procedure Ellipse(X, Y : integer;
StAngle, EndAngle : word;
XRadius, YRadius : word);
procedure FillEllipse(X, Y : integer;
XRadius, YRadius : word);
procedure GetAspectRatio(var Xasp, Yasp : word);
procedure SetAspectRatio(Xasp, Yasp : word);
procedure PieSlice(X, Y : integer; StAngle, EndAngle, Radius : word);
procedure Sector(X, Y : Integer;
StAngle, EndAngle,
XRadius, YRadius : word);
{ *** color and palette routines *** }
procedure SetBkColor(ColorNum : word);
procedure SetColor(Color : word);
function GetBkColor : word;
function GetColor : word;
procedure SetAllPalette(var Palette);
procedure SetPalette(ColorNum : word; Color : shortint);
procedure GetPalette(var Palette : PaletteType);
function GetPaletteSize : integer;
procedure GetDefaultPalette(var Palette : PaletteType);
function GetMaxColor : word;
procedure SetRGBPalette(ColorNum, RedValue, GreenValue, BlueValue : integer);
{ *** bit-image routines *** }
function ImageSize(x1, y1, x2, y2 : integer) : word;
procedure GetImage(x1, y1, x2, y2 : integer; var BitMap);
procedure PutImage(X, Y : integer; var BitMap; BitBlt : word);
{ *** text routines *** }
procedure GetTextSettings(var TextInfo : TextSettingsType);
procedure OutText(TextString : string);
procedure OutTextXY(X, Y : integer; TextString : string);
procedure SetTextJustify(Horiz, Vert : word);
procedure SetTextStyle(Font, Direction : word; CharSize : word);
procedure SetUserCharSize(MultX, DivX, MultY, DivY : word);
function TextHeight(TextString : string) : word;
function TextWidth(TextString : string) : word;